Campus Question: What is the most challenging thing about going back to school?

Nicole Wong, 2A

“I think the hardest thing about coming back to school, especially for me, is that you have to move in and you have to get back into things. Also, even though you made friends in first year, sometimes you don’t have them in your classes so you have to make new friends and try to talk to new people.”



Hareet Dhesi, 4A

“For me the most challenging things about coming back to school is just readjusting to the whole student life, getting your mindset in the right place and the sleep schedule.”




Avery Larsh, 3A

“Switching your mindset back from being on vacation to being back to school and actually doing the work.  Getting out a calendar and making sure all my dates are in order makes things a little bit easier.”




Maimuna Kandaker, 2A

“I think the most challenging part is getting back into the pace of studying and everything. All of a sudden you hear of all these things you have to do and it’s overwhelming.”




Oritsetuyiri Ugborogho, 2A
Honors Arts

“Basically, waking up and thinking about going to school and also thinking about future papers to be submitted.”



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