Yours Truly, a fourth year exhibit


Mar. 15 marked the opening of the department of fine arts’ fourth year exhibit, Yours Truly. The exhibit showcased a variety of artworks, from photography to video installations.

One video installation found in the exhibit is “Identity Crisis” by Sepideh Dashti. This installation is composed of two videos that displays the artist wrapping herself in certain materials such as yarn.

“My work is about the women’s identity and the cultural expectation, how they put women in tubes,” Dashti said, “we all really worked hard and it’s time to celebrate our work, so I’m so excited.”

The exhibit also showcased works with used everyday objects. One example is Karen Ly’s “My used tissue collection” which is a collection of tissue papers with embroidery.

When asked about her artwork, Ly said, “I was thinking about disposability and preciousness. Tissues are something that is a one-time use, but we never really stop and enjoy things in our everyday lives that have such a short life.”

The exhibit displayed artworks with various mediums and techniques, whether it be stop motion animation, photo collages, or digital print.

“I think [the exhibit] is really interesting because it brings together a bunch of different people and there’s not a lot of events like this where it’s just fine arts-focused.” attendee Marina Wada said. “I feel like a lot of the small details that they incorporated is unlike how most other events are, which are always focused on innovation, tech, and science.”

The exhibit will run until Apr. 7 at East Campus Hall.


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