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Tag: Explain Like I’m Cool

Explain Like I’m Cool: MMOs

This week I wanted to go over what’s probably the most addictive and least accessible of all gaming genres: the MMO. An abbreviation of...

Explain Like I’m Cool: Anime

One of the strangest things I hear about anime from people who don’t watch anime is “I just don’t get it, it’s not for...

Explain Like I’m Cool: Superheroes, on screen and off the page

Well folks, we&rsquo;re right in the midst of summer, which means that it&rsquo;s juuuust about time for yet <em>another </em>superhero movie. Now if you&rsquo;re...

Explain Like I’m Cool: MOBAs

One of the more prominent nerdy hobbies that seems to be making its way into the mainstream is “eSports,” tournaments based around...

Explain Like I’m Cool: Dungeons & Dragons

For this entry, we're going to be tackling one of the icons of nerd culture: Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). For a game...

Explain Like I’m Cool: E3

Hello, and welcome to the flagship entry of Explain Like I'm Cool. This series aims to explain nerdy hobbies and interests to uninformed students, in the hopes that they can better understand their nerdy acquaintances (and possibly even get hooked on one or two things themselves).