June crossword solutions

Imprint Staff

| June 15, 2024

The following are solutions to the crossword published in the June 2024 magazine edition of Imprint:


1 Betta

6 Arcs

10 Gen

13 Ate in

14 Tyee

15 Wane

16 Ovate

17 Tela

18 Arms

19 Rules

21 Bennet

23 Swear on

26 Redness

27 Beat you to death

29 Altos

30 Ails

31 Parm

32 Tel

33 Laet


38 Audra

40 Dark connection

45 Air horn

46 Garotte

47 Name it

48 Agnon

49 Ilia

50 Asci

52 Sober

56 Sees

57 Pier

58 Smash

59 ERs

60 Earl

61 Eye to



1 Bao


3 Tea

4 Titrator

5 Aneurysm

6 Attenuation

7 Ryes

8 Cel

9 Seabeds

10 Garnet

11 Enmesh

12 Nests

15 Wanna

20 Loo

22 Ede

23 SBA

24 Welp

25 Eat a

26 Rolling girl

28 Tie in

33 Lacrosse

34 Autonomy

35 Edit

36 Trot

37 VCR tape

39 An e

40 Dialer

41 Armies

42 Rheas

43 Koi

44 EAN

45 Anise

48 Acer

51 Sia

53 Bae

54 EST

55 Rho

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