

  • Opinion

    City of Waterloo announces plan for affordable housing: affordable for who?

    Justin Gec

    | June 10, 2024

  • Opinion

    How veganism on campus can make the world better

    Yashika Vahi

    | April 4, 2024

  • Opinion

    Hey GRT! Where are the bendy buses?

    Andrew Yang

    | February 2, 2024


  • Opinion

    Natalie Testart

    | January 19, 2024

    Ever wondered which university college has the best food? Or what you could expect dining at one? We’ve gone to Renison University College, Conrad Grebel University College, St. Jerome’s University, and United College to see how well their cafeteria food stacks up.

  • Opinion

    Abhiraj Lamba

    | November 9, 2023

    With University of Ottawa’s student union’s recent vote to defund their independent campus radio, it’s beyond time to address the need for student media across Canada.

  • Opinion

    Yasseen Mobada

    | October 26, 2023

    On Oct. 16, UW’s president and vice chancellor Vivek Goel released a statement regarding the Israel-Hamas war that broke out nine days prior. He opened his statement by mentioning the loss of innocent civilian life, of both Israelis and Palestinians as well as Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

  • Green graphic with abstract shapes featuring the word "Opinion" in large white text on a white brushstroke background. Below, the logo and name "Imprint" are displayed along with the tagline "Your Stories, Your Voice," touching on issues like affordable housing in the City of Waterloo.


    How do university rankings work — and do they really matter?

    Maahir Sheikh

    | October 2, 2023

    University rankings are a controversial criteria for prospective students. For some, rankings are an important factor when choosing schools, while for others, they are confusing and undecipherable, or only useful with regard to program rankings. So where does the controversy stem from?

  • A vibrant abstract design featuring an orange background with flowing, wavy lines in blue, pink, and yellow. The lines form organic, undulating shapes, reminiscent of knowledge puzzles like June crossword solutions, creating a dynamic and lively pattern.