Andrew Yang
| February 2, 2024
Here we are again – I’m waiting for the 201 bus with 10 other people and it rolls up seven minutes late, absolutely packed. We all try to squeeze in, but people refuse to go to the back and the chaos makes for an overall bad experience.
Natalie Testart
| January 19, 2024
Ever wondered which university college has the best food? Or what you could expect dining at one? We’ve gone to Renison University College, Conrad Grebel University College, St. Jerome’s University, and United College to see how well their cafeteria food stacks up.
Abhiraj Lamba
| November 9, 2023
With University of Ottawa’s student union’s recent vote to defund their independent campus radio, it’s beyond time to address the need for student media across Canada.
Yasseen Mobada
| October 26, 2023
On Oct. 16, UW’s president and vice chancellor Vivek Goel released a statement regarding the Israel-Hamas war that broke out nine days prior. He opened his statement by mentioning the loss of innocent civilian life, of both Israelis and Palestinians as well as Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Maahir Sheikh
| October 2, 2023
University rankings are a controversial criteria for prospective students. For some, rankings are an important factor when choosing schools, while for others, they are confusing and undecipherable, or only useful with regard to program rankings. So where does the controversy stem from?
Michelle Angkasa
| September 20, 2023
The planet is literally burning, but it is still business as usual at UW.
Imprint Staff
| July 27, 2023
Imprint is changing — but not entirely.