Glow and UW Library hold book club

Andie Kaiser

| July 23, 2024

WUSA’s Glow Centre and the UW Library have partnered to host an Anti-Racism Reads Book Club, which is underway and will continue through this month. The book club acts as a pilot to Glow and the library’s Anti-Racism Reads collaboration. 

This term’s book selection is The Feminist Bookstore Movement: Lesbian Antiracism and Feminist Accountability by Kristen Hogan. Students are able to sign out physical copies at the Glow Centre (located in room 3103 of the Student Life Centre). The first group discussion date was held on July 18, and future discussions will take place on July 25 and 30 from 4 to 5 p.m. All discussions are facilitated by one of Glow’s coordinators, and will be “focused on the book and general topics of anti-racism within the LGBTQ+ community.”

More information can be found on Glow’s Instagram page.

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