March crossword solutions

Imprint Staff

| March 13, 2024

The following are solutions to the crossword published in the March 2024 magazine edition of Imprint:


1 Sea

4 It me

8 Aaple

12 Adn

13 Neat

14 CD Rate

17 Flamenco

20 Tostones

22 Lilt

23 Ad hoc

25 Ncr

26 Genes

27 Prelaw

29 Ariosos

31 Ramapo

32 Polo

33 Imhara

35 Ridable

40 Brut

42 Across

43 Analyse

46 Dogsat

47 Scale

48 SEO

50 Musts

51 Ahri

52 Winnipeg

54 Ninety

56 Metadata

59 Spines

60 Amon

61 Mad

62 Asas

64 ESS




3 Anathema

4 Inescapable

5 Tent

6 Macon

7 Etoncap

8 Acts

9 Ado

10 Proles

11 Latino

15 Tiles

16 Ents

18 Moolah

21 Error

23 Apri

24 Dram

26 Good company

28 Worry

30 Iliad

34 Aussi

36 Argued

37 Boss game

38 Lsat

39 Ests

41 Teen mag

43 A chip

44 Narnia

45 Aliens

47 Sans

49 Oneme

52 Wyss

53 It on

55 Tea

57 Tas

58 Ads

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