Occupy UW delivers final press conference of their encampment, leaving sign in their wake
| July 7, 2024
On the morning of the encampment’s final day, Occupy UWaterloo delivered one last press conference on their camp.
At the beginning of the press conference, started out by Nicholas Joseph, media liaison for the encampment, he declared victory. He condemned the actions taken by the UW in response to their protest, notably the $1.5-million lawsuit that disclosed the names of the people involved with the encampment and threatened police intervention. Afterward, Joseph applauded the accomplishments of the encampment that resulted in the emergency senate meeting on June 10, where UW agreed to disclose its investments. Joseph ended his speech by praising the community who showed immense support for the cause in their emails, pressure on UW, and fundraising.
Sarah Ahmed, media liaison, took the mic next to deliver her own speech. She reprimanded the many investments of UW in Israeli weapons manufacturers and arms companies. Ahmed commented that the group will take the attempts to shut them down in stride and continue to work hard for their goals. “Our encampment was key to reaching this point, but to progress even further, we have made the strategic decision to decamp. Now that we understand the university’s weaknesses, we can redirect our resources and increase actions for Gaza in more targeted ways.” Her speech confirmed that while the encampment will end, the efforts of Occupy UWaterloo will not stop until UW ties to Israel have ceased. “This is a long fight, and we are one victory closer to winning,” she said.
John Bannister, media liaison, gave the final speech of the final press conference. He began by highlighting the collaboration of many people, clubs, and unions. Then, Bannister turned his focus to the people of Gaza and honour their efforts. He complimented the strength of the people they are fighting for and working with to achieve their goals. “It is the people of Gaza house who I wish to give the final honour for the million ways you moved me.”
The newest addition to the encampment, in the background of their final press conference, was a sign that said “Student Intifada” with a large key. According to Al Jazeera Palestine Remix, Intifada is an Arabic word that means “shaking off” but has since been recontextualized for Palestinian use to mean a civil uprising.
“The key means the Palestinian right to return, during the Nakba, when the Palestinian people were being ethnically cleansed from their land, many of them were kicked and locked out of their homes and they still have the keys to those very homes” as explained by Ahmed. “Putting this key here represents that the students here, the Palestinians will return to their homes, one day and be able to once again live in their homeland.”
Ahmed continued, that for the students, the sign signifies what they could accomplish when they work together.
Ahmed confirmed that Occupy UW intends to leave this sign here in the wake of their absence on the Grad House Green.
In a statement issued the next day, UW President Vivek Goel said, “I’m grateful to everyone who worked so hard to ensure that the encampment came to a peaceful conclusion.”