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WUSA hosts provincial candidates panel

| February 25, 2025

Cutline: Political candidates in attendance in the Black and Gold room, left to right, included Jeff Donkersgoed (NDP) of the Kitchener South-Hespeler riding, Catherine Fife (NDP) of the Waterloo riding, Colleen James (Liberal) of the Kitchener Centre riding, Clayton Moore (Liberal) of the Waterloo riding, and Aislinn Clancy (Green) of the Kitchener Centre riding. (Photo credit: Jansher Saeed)

WUSA hosted the Candidates Town Hall for Provincial Election on Feb. 24 in preparation for the upcoming provincial election on Feb. 27. Candidates from the New Democratic Party (NDP), Green Party and Liberal Party were in attendance representing the Kitchener Centre, Waterloo, and Kitchener South-Hespeler ridings. No Conservative Party candidate was in attendance. Key issues discussed included affordable housing and transportation, funding for colleges and universities, international students, employment, OSAP, and student advocacy. 

Candidates in attendance running for Kitchener Centre included incumbent Aislinn Clancy of the Green Party and Colleen James of the Liberal Party. Attending candidates for Waterloo included incumbent Catherine Fife of the NDP and Clayton Moore for the Liberal Party. Jeff Donkersgoed of the NDP, candidate for Kitchener South-Hespeler, was also in attendance. Candidates answered debate questions in party teams. 

For their opening remarks, candidates focused on issues they felt students are most concerned with going into the election. Fife began, focusing on the need for greater mental health support, tying in addressing food and housing insecurity. James focused on helping students find well paying jobs and implementing an income threshold for OSAP repayment. Clancy highlighted challenges associated with increased cost of living and holding politicians accountable. 

When asked how they would commit to ensuring student perspectives were reflected in policy decisions, all candidates shared they would actively speak with students and advocacy groups, and encourage students to reach out to them as well. James and Moore noted an instance where they supported student advocacy at Waterloo Regional Council, supporting student demand for the night transit loop. Clancy shared she is on the Social Policy Committee at Queen’s Park and engaged student voices in helping design an anti-hate and mental health bill. Fife and Donkersgoed discussed their experience advocating for two-way-GO and affordable housing, working with students to do so.

Candidates were asked about capping international student fees. All candidates agreed on the importance of supporting international students, however, all candidates placed most emphasis on increasing provincial funding for universities and colleges to lower the incentive for post-secondary reliance on international student tuition. Improving the international student experience was touched on briefly by Fife and Clancy. 

On the topic of student transportation needs, all candidates held similar positions on implementing two-way-GO, holding Metrolinx accountable, and uploading certain transportation costs to the province to reduce the financial burden on Waterloo Region. 

Candidates were also asked how they would expand co-op, internship, apprenticeship, and full-time opportunities. James and Moore committed to creating 40,000 new paid co-op, internship, and apprenticeship positions as well as an OSAP repayment minimum income threshold of $50,000 a year. Clancy shared her party has committed to increasing skills for 60,000 people in the green economy. Donkersgoed said his party is committed to doubling the Ontario Career Writing Program from 2020 levels, creating thousands of new co-op opportunities, and OSAP reform. 

Candidates ended the panel reiterating their opening remarks, pushing back against the Ford government, advocating for marginalized communities, and stressing the importance of working across party lines. The Provincial elections are held on Feb. 27 with advance polling underway. To learn more about voting as a student, visit https://uwimprint.ca/how-can-students-register-to-vote/. 

Attendees at the Feb. 24 debate in the Black and Gold room a the SLC. (Photo credit: Jansher Saeed)

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